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List of Occupation Abbreviations

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film opr projectionist
fin finisher
firmn fireman
flgmn flagman
fnshr finisher
for forester
formn foreman
forwm forewoman
frt freight
F S female servant
fshrmn fisherman
ftr fitter
fur furrier
furn furniture, furnace
furng furnishing
gasftr gasfitter
gdnr, gardnr gardener
gds goods
gen, genl general
gro, groc grocer
hairdrsr hairdresser
hd hand
hdw hardware
hlpr helper
hsekpr housekeeper
htlkpr hotel keeper
implts implements
imp, imptr importer
imps implants
ind, indep independent, of indepedent means
ins insurance
insp, inspr, insptr inspector
intr interpreter
inst instrument
inst, instr instructor
ironm iron maker
ironmon ironmonger
jan, jntr janitor
jn journeyman
jr, jun junior
jwlr jeweller or watchmaker
kpr keeper
lab labourer
lbr lumber
lieut lieutenant
linmn lineman
lino linotype
lith, litho lithographer
lndrs laundress
lndy laundry
lndymn laundryman
lngshmn longshoreman
ma, mak maker
mach machine, machinist
ma, mak maker
maks makers
mang managing
manuf, mfr manufacturer
mdse merchandise
mech mechanic, mechanical
mer, mt, mercht merchant
messr, msngr messenger
mfg manufacturing
mgr, mngr manager
mkr maker
mkt market
mldr moulder
mlnr milliner
mlwrt millwright
mkt gdnr market gardener
mn man
mng dir managing director
mntr mounter
mono monotype
moto, mtrmn motorman
mrnr mariner
M S male servant
msngr messenger
mstr master
mtrmn motorman
mus musician
mus tchr music teacher
mut mutual
op, opr operator
optom optometrist
osteo osteopath