Genealogy Latin Dictionary
Below is a list of genealogy latin terms.
A | B C | D | E | F | G H | I J | K | L M | N O | P | Q R | S | T - Z
Latin Phrase | Abbreviation |
English Meaning |
Laus Deo | praise be to God | |
loca citato | loc. cit. |
in the place cited |
literati | men of letters | |
long tempore | for a long time | |
Magister Artium | MA |
master of arts |
magna cum laude | with great distinction | |
mane | in the morning | |
mare nostrum | our sea (Mediterranean) | |
marita | wife | |
maritus | husband | |
martimonium | marriage | |
mater | mother | |
matrina fuit | the godmother was | |
mea culpa | through my own fault | |
memento | to remember | |
memento mori | a reminder of the inevitability of death | |
memorabilia | memorable objects | |
meridie | noon | |
mensis | month | |
millennium | a period of one thousand years | |
modus agenda | the way in which a thing operates | |
modus operandi | m.o. |
the way in which something works |
moratorium | a temporary suspension of an activity | |
mortutous, mors, mortis | death | |
mortuus | dead | |
mutatis mutandis | change only those things that need to be changed | |
mutato nominee | the name being changed |