Genealogy Latin Dictionary
Below is a list of genealogy latin terms.
A | B C | D | E | F | G H | I J | K | L M | N O | P | Q R | S | T - Z
Latin Phrase | Abbreviation |
English Meaning |
scilicet | sc. |
that is to say |
septem | 7, seventh | |
sepulti, sepultus erat | burial, buried | |
sex | 6, sixth | |
simper fidelis | always faithful | |
sequens | following after | |
Senatus Populusque Romanus | SPQR |
the Senate and the Roman people |
sic | hence (to identify errors in the original) | |
sine die | indefinitely | |
sponsoribus | sponsor | |
spurius | bastard | |
status quo | existing state of affairs | |
stet | let it stand | |
sub lite | in dispute | |
sub poena | under penalty (of law) | |
summa cum laude | with highest praise |