Genealogy Latin Dictionary
Below is a list of genealogy latin terms.
A | B C | D | E | F | G H | I J | K | L M | N O | P | Q R | S | T - Z
Latin Phrase | Abbreviation |
English Meaning |
quantum sufficit | q.s. |
as much as suffices |
quasi dictum | q.d. |
as if said |
quater in die sumendus | q.d.s. |
(medicine) to be taken four times a day |
quattuor | 4, fourth | |
quid pro quo | something for something else | |
quinque | 5, fifth | |
quod erat demonstrandum | Q.E.D. |
which was to be demonstrated |
quod erat faciendum | Q.E.F. |
which was to be done |
quod erat inveniendum | Q.E.I. |
which was to be found |
quod est | q.e. |
which is |
quo vadis | "whither goest thou" or where are you going? | |
re | concerning, hence | |
regina | queen | |
relicta | widow | |
requiescat in pace | RIP |
rest in peace |
rex | king | |
rigor mortis | the stiffening of the body upon death |